Transforming K-12 Learning with Data, Tutorial Workshops

Creating a Culture of Ed Tech Intentionality


1:00pm - 2:50pm

Louis Tullo

Chief Technology Officer

Ravenscroft School

A data-driven approach to managing ed tech in K-12 schools doesn't just involve tracking usage stats provided by vendors in their respective platforms. Instead, regularly checking in with faculty using these tools to track themes in how students are experiencing these tools and measure outcomes concerning overarching standards like ISTE's K-12 Technology Skills Scope and Sequence creates data to tell a more compelling story to guide school strategy. Simply sharing data falls flat for classroom teachers who deal with the realities of using these tools with students. An approach that involves getting their perspective builds a level of trust and alignment needed for technology leaders to be successful in the way they implement new systems and solutions.

Learning objectives:

  • Create a plan for scheduling empathy interviews with faculty to assess the effectiveness of ed tech tools used by students
  • Understand how to use ISTE's K-12 Technology Skills Scope and Sequence for benchmarking
  • Gain a template for creating lessons that anchors desired learning outcomes to technology that's been implemented in the classroom