Presentation materials are added/updated as they are received from the speakers.
Robbie Torney, Senior Director, AI Programs, Common Sense Media
Craig Park, Director of Digital Experience Design and Associate Principal, Clark & Enersen
Chris Morett, President, Co|Here Campus and Workplace
Roberta (Robin) Sullivan, Emeritus Emerging Technologies Librarian , University at Buffalo, State University of New York
Dan Lewis, Digital Transformation Leader, City of Seattle
Victoria Ogunsanya, Cybersecurity Analyst, TechNovelle
Alex Podchaski, Chief Technology Officer, Trinity Preparatory School of Florida
Kacey Sensenich, Former Chief Technology Officer (retired) , Rockingham County Schools
Patrice Lindo, CEO and Founder, Career Nomad
Steve Baule, Director, Doctor of Education Program, Winona State University
Errin Heyman, Ed.D., Associate Vice President of Learning Experience, National University
Shane Strup, Senior Director of Learning Experience Design, National University